
TOP 50 TRACKS OF 2012 - #10 - 1

I love lists. I geek the fuck out over them. For the next 5 days please enjoy my favorite jamz of the year in chunks of ten per day. 

 #10 / Kendrick Lamar - M.A.D.D City

#9 / How to Dress Well - & it Was You

#8 / Frank Ocean - Bad Religion

#7 / Miguel - Do You...

#6 / TNGHT - Higher Ground

#5 / Passion Pit - It's Not my Fault I'm Happy

#4 / Japandroids - The House that Heaven Built

#3 / Autre Ne Vuet - Counting 

#2 / Usher - Climax

#1 - Death Grips - Hacker


  1. That How To Dress Well track fucks me up

  2. Word. I saw him last Friday at Co-Prosperity Sphere and he killlllled it
