
Scene report - Sunday Pitchfork Festival

Best sign - "lil b can fuck my bitch"
Most emo - Autre Ne Veut
Best vocal performance - autre ne veut (sorry kells)

Best message - "give a damn about your neighbor Chicago." - killer mike
Most unexpected crying on stage - killer mike (twice). Heavy. 

Best friends - el p and killer mike
Dorkiest accessory - google glasses
Longest feedback solo - yo la tengo 
Hypest / youngest crowd by far - lil b 

Best crowd moment : cooking contest during lil b in the crowd. A little nerdy kid that was probably 14 yrs old won and was immediately lifted up to crowd surf

Best show all weekend - MIA (!)
Best dancer - The albino contortionist with MIA
Most pummeling track - MIA Born Free. Holy SHIT I forgot how rad that song is! 

Biggest sing along - MIA paper planes 

Most epic moment - Kells releasing hundreds of dove balloons during I believe i can fly. 

Most songs in a set - Kells
Weirdest moment - Autre Ne Veut after party. He lost his voice and asked some girl in the crowd to sing counting. And she killed it. 

See y'all next year!